sell your Fetish Videos

Up to 80% payout and allows individuals, webmasters, and studios to sell their fetish and spanking clips and videos directly to customers through their own customised storefront. Customers can purchase your clips along with any others they find on the site in a single transaction.

Great Benefits for Joining


We advertise on many websites to make sure we have a a ton of traffic ready to buy your videos.

Industry Experience

We have over 18 years experience in the fetish industry and have worked with some of the top fetish producers


All of our sites specialize in fetish, spanking, and bondage, delivering only the customers you are looking for.

Multiple Stores:
One Payment

You can create and manage multiple stores under your one studio account. All payments will be combined and paid monthly via Check, ACH, Paypal and Bank Wire.

Cross Sales

Our customers can search for and purchase clips from multiple stores in one transaction. Customers may find your clip in a number of ways including search, categories, price listings, top selling, newest clips, and as a suggested product under a different clip.

JOIN NOW TO open a studio and sell your clips

Additional Benefits

Hosting and Bandwidth

We provide hosting on state of the art servers. All video are stored on Amazon AWS servers.

Transaction Processing

With 7+ years experience in dealing with online adult credit card transactions, we handle credit card processing discreetly and securely. Transactions are processed utilizing 128bit secure SSL technology. Customers can purchase multiple items from different stores and be billed only once.

Studio Admin

Fetish Studio provides you with everything you need to manage your stores, videos, banners, sales, payments, mailing lists, and more.

Customer Service

We handle all customer service and billing questions and problems. We provide customers with an email address, phone number, and contact form.

Content Uploading

We have built a proprietary program that allows you to add clip information and upload your videos with a simple click.

Fully Functional Search

As your store becomes more popular, customers will be able to locate you by category and top selling clips.

File Security

We utilize the latest in download technology to ensure the security of your clips. Additionally members are limited to downloads in 48 hours, no more than 2 download attempts and no more than 2 download ip addresses before they must contact customer service to have their file unlocked.


Set your own pricing. Your prices can range from $2.99 to $99.99 per clip. You can adjust clip prices at any time, creating sales and featured clips. Since the store has a minimum charge of $4.99 we encourge you to set your clip prices $4.99 and above.


We pay you 60% for all of your sales. We cover the hosting, bandwidth, customer service, and credit card processing fees. There are no setup or startup fees. All commissions are paid on the 15th of each month. Minimum payment is $100.

Affiliate Commision

We pay an additional 20% for any sales made with your affiliate code. For example if you advertise your clips on twitter, when someone clicks your Spanking Library link containing your affilate code and then purchases your clips you get an additional 20% commtion.